

Family Constellations

This is one of my favorite modalities, and the “wow” factor is high on this one. It’s a method where clients can see, in real-time, their subconscious view of themselves, their families, their businesses, and really anything else they would like to see. People role-play specific roles for you, and they don’t consciously know who or what they are representing, until afterward. Even so, the picture (and the solutions) of what you are ‘constellating’ are revealed clearly. The accuracy and precision of this method surprised me, and my life is much different (and better) since immersing myself in it.

Exploring these hidden aspects has been a transformative experience, unlocking profound insights that have shaped my understanding of both personal and professional dynamics. The immediacy of perceiving subconscious perspectives in real-time adds an element of wonder to the process, deepening its impact and effectiveness.

This practice has proven instrumental in reshaping my approach to challenges, providing a unique and powerful lens through which to navigate various aspects of life. Its influence has been so profound that I now integrate it regularly into my interactions, witnessing its positive influence ripple through my daily interactions and decisions.


What is Family Constellations?

Family Constellations is a therapeutic modality that allows individuals to gain insights into their subconscious beliefs and patterns by representing family members, businesses, or other aspects of their life through role-play. This method helps reveal hidden dynamics and offers potential solutions to personal and systemic issues.

How does Family Constellations work?

During a Family Constellations session, participants are chosen to represent various elements of the client's life, often without prior knowledge of what or whom they are representing. Through this process, the client can observe and gain clarity on their subconscious views and relationships, which can lead to a deeper understanding of their challenges and potential resolutions.

What can I expect from a Family Constellations session?

In a Family Constellations session, you can expect a unique and experiential process where hidden family dynamics or personal beliefs are brought to light. It may involve role-play, group interaction, and a facilitator guiding the process to uncover insights and potential solutions to unresolved issues.

Is Family Constellations effective, and how can it benefit me?

Family Constellations can be highly effective in providing clarity and resolution to longstanding personal or systemic issues. It can benefit you by revealing the underlying causes of challenges, enabling you to make more informed decisions, improve relationships, and create positive changes in your life. Many individuals have reported profound shifts in their lives and a deeper sense of well-being as a result of this modality.

Connect with me through a Discovery Call to schedule a session.

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Organizational Constellations

What began as “Family Constellations,” a highly effective healing method for family dynamics, has been adapted to the business world, and works uniquely well in discovering and remedying the oftentimes hidden real cause of dysfunction or lack of performance in any area of the business. I’m connected with a mentor in this field who has helped world-famous companies make billions using this method, and those companies don’t want people to know their well-kept secrets. Now, the secret is out!

This transformative practice, known as "Organizational Constellations," has successfully bridged the gap between personal dynamics and organizational efficacy, illuminating underlying issues that hinder progress and revealing transformative solutions. Drawing from the rich heritage of Family Constellations, this method offers unparalleled insights into the dynamics of businesses, enabling a targeted approach to resolving challenges at their core.

My association with a seasoned mentor in this domain has exposed me to the incredible potential of this approach, empowering me to navigate corporate landscapes with newfound clarity and effectiveness. Embracing this technique has unlocked a wealth of knowledge, and its integration has significantly elevated my ability to drive positive change within various business contexts.


What are Organizational Constellations?

Organizational Constellations is an adaptation of the Family Constellations method for addressing issues within businesses and organizations. It's a unique approach that helps uncover and resolve hidden causes of dysfunction or performance challenges in various aspects of a company.

How does Organizational Constellations differ from traditional business consulting?

Unlike traditional business consulting, Organizational Constellations delves into the underlying systemic dynamics of a business. It focuses on revealing hidden issues that may not be immediately apparent, offering a holistic perspective and unique insights into organizational challenges.

What types of issues can Organizational Constellations address in a business setting?

Organizational Constellations can address a wide range of issues, including leadership challenges, team dynamics, communication breakdowns, decision-making processes, and performance bottlenecks. It's particularly effective at identifying and resolving complex and deeply rooted issues that may be hindering the organization's success.

Is Organizational Constellations effective for all types of businesses and organizations?

Organizational Constellations can be applied to various types and sizes of businesses and organizations, from startups to multinational corporations. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to uncover hidden dynamics, making it valuable for any entity seeking to improve its performance, culture, and overall functioning. It has been successfully employed by world-famous companies to address and overcome challenges in their operations.

Connect with me through a Discovery Call to schedule a session.

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What My Clients Say...

Family Constellations

“It's been an honor to witness Lars facilitate his magic. He does so with raw passion and a big heart. I recently got to experience a group constellation he facilitated. It was so powerful and everyone involved got major downloads by taking us into communication with our unconscious mind. He is a true wizard and I'm grateful to have experienced it.”

Michael Rogerson
Family Constellations

“The family constellation games workshop with Lars was utterly mind blowing. So many dots connected, insights, and affirmations in such a short amount of time. I couldn’t believe how precise and accurate each constellation felt. Now it’s my favorite thing to do with friends, I feel so empowered and curious about my life in a really refreshing way.”

Jordan Davis
Organizational Constellations

“Lars has spent the time needed to become a master of his craft. He will help you take what the subconscious, the divine, and the cosmos want to share with you and bring that into real-life practical answers that anyone can use to answer life, business, or spiritual questions. Work with him. He will amaze you.”

Justin Kathan
Founder, Sanctuary (Eco-luxury Real Estate Developer)
Family Constellations

“Lars has a deep fascination and passion for guiding others to epiphany. He helps people explore beyond the limitations of their current paradigm, and of his many modalities, the family constellations process is one of the most fun and interactive!”

Nathan Archer
Family Constellations

“It was like experiencing a magic show of Lars orchestrating the unconscious mind playing itself out in full character. Showing us truths that were profound and unbelievably accurate.”

Trentamus Briggs
Family Constellations

“It’s a profound permission slip to see your unconscious mind playing out. Lars has a very natural and powerful way of making it fun and impactful 🙏”

Brandon Bozarth
Family Constellations

“It's been an honor to witness Lars facilitate his magic. He does so with raw passion and a big heart. I recently got to experience a group constellation he facilitated. It was so powerful and everyone involved got major downloads by taking us into communication with our unconscious mind. He is a true wizard and I'm grateful to have experienced it.”

Michael Rogerson